Monday, January 28, 2008

2 weeks!

Howdy folks!  So...I've never "blogged" before, but's my blog.  If you're curious to know how I'm doing down in (on?) the Rich Coast, this is the place to look, although the chances of me having posted recently will probably decrease as the semester goes on...  I will do my best to put at least a little snippet up occasionally, but no promises.  Um...two weeks from right now I'll be chilling in San José...but that's two weeks from now.  Not exactly to the not-sleeping-at-night-from-excitement phase, where my dear friend Anna Santo probably is (P.S. she has a "blog" too).  Instead, I'm chilling (literally) in my little farmhouse in rural(ish) Maine, where I've been for almost a month now.  Nothing wrong with a little quantity time with the parental units...alrighty--peace (or 'paz', since I should probably start practicing ethpañol).


John said...

you better have a waist-length jungle beard, you sexy mainer you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the beard option and the babes but all other options are unacceptable...did you hear that? UNACCEPTABLE! You must come back safely and healthy! I love you and sure will miss having you around these boring parts. Love dom

Anonymous said...

Boring, me?? Yes, please leave the dung beetles there. Looking forward to the vicarious adventure.

Em said...

Had to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of the fam! Mister, by the time I come down to visit in a couple months, I will expect you to be my perfectly fluent Spanish speaking, poisonous snake-experienced, dung beetle removing, waist-length jungle beard wearing, biologically well-versed, personal guide to the Rich Coast. No pressure. :) Oh, and HAVE FUN!!!!
Love, DOS

Anonymous said...

If I may break away from the list of available options (and since I'm extended family, perhaps this is permissible), let me say that I'm tremendously impressed that you're going somewhere far away and doing something exciting. Oddly enough, Andrew (the 9-year-old edition) actually mentioned the other day that he wanted to go to Costa Rica. I went once, but since it was only for a few days and I was traveling with someone who wasn't feeling well, I never even got as far as the cloud forest. Sigh. I look forward to your updates, as do Peter and Andrew. xo

Anonymous said...

That picture is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I decided choosing the bot fly would be too harsh. But I did laugh a little bit...Well, I'll miss having my neighbor around for snow days! Try to avoid strange lumps in the neck and snakes, and all that great stuff. Readfield is only so exciting, so you're going to need to tell me about all your crazy adventures okay? Have a wonderful time exploring the jungle!!

Alex said...

natty where in CR are you? Look for a bare-necked Umbrellabird. I missed that shit.